Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The Plot Thickens
Sorry, couldn't help myself :) I blame Dakota Cassidy.

Raven's White Hart is humming along. My test readers like it so far (only 8% done and finished chapter 4) but that makes me feel good. Let's hope I can keep that track record through the rest.

I've discovered it's very very hard to write the end of a sexy scene that I was really ... umm... into when my husband decides to insist on reading online comics to me from across the room. I didn't snarl (but I wanted to). I still managed to finish the scene after he went to bed. Maybe I should wear headphones so he thinks I can't hear him anyway and doesn't try??? Maybe next time I'll suggest some excerpts from my favorite erotica authors instead ... he does have a sexy voice but even that doesn't cause Sluggy Freelance to turn me on. Sigh.

I was home with a sick child today but while I was ignoring the various kid shows, I did manage to plot out the first of my paranomal comedy series. I don't think that one will be as long as RWH because IMHO comedy does better when it doesn't try to be funny for a long time....

Well, off to try to make my 1000 word goal for the day.


  1. I'm impressed! How do you go from software engineer to technical writer to erotic romance writer? I find it so difficult to switch gears like that. You amaze me!


  2. I was going to claim some rare superpower but I think it may have more to do with being insane :)

    Thanks for stopping by and the compliment Rebecca!

  3. LOLLOL--comedy they say is hard. Long or short.

    If it's hard--it's cuz ya gotta work too hard and then, it's not comedy.

    Quit blaming me for your transgressions, woman! Write!

    DC :)

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