Sunday, June 11, 2006
There is a Horizon!
Well, I have a synopsis, I have a query letter. All I'm waiting for now is a few more pieces of feedback to incorporate into the story and Tort & Retort can go off for consideration to the first epublisher I've targeted.

I'm excited and terrified, both.

Luckily, since it's a 4-6 week response time, I will burn out on the "Check Email Every 2.5 Seconds" game after a few days and life will go back to normal.

Back to working on Raven's White Hart - since I have an editor appointment to pitch it, it woudl be a very good idea if it's at least at the rough draft complete done before Nationals. I was bummed to not get an agent appointment but oh well.

Wild ride, I tell you.



  1. I would suggest, in addition to targeting epublishers, that you send out query letters to agents and publishers in a normal fashion. using sites like


    can be a great help. there are many avenues for short fiction, many more then people realize.

    anyway, good luck with the queries ... keep busy writing while the glaciers melt

    all the best,


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