Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Back from RWA Nationals and the Tale of the Box
Whew - it was a very full week it Atlanta! Then I had a ton of things waiting for me at home and work when I got back.

Lots of people have done blow by blow tales of Atlanta so I won't do that right now - maybe when I finish the submissions I have to send out and catch up at work.

But I will share the weirdest thing.....

You get a LOT of books and swag at Nationals. I had swag for friends collected and a bunch of books so I decided to be smart and send a box home on Friday. I'd arranged with one of the wandering manager trainees to take my carefully taped box to the hotel's shipping and receiving and filled out the form to have the shipping charges put on my room tab.

Come Sunday the hotel nicely delivered the bills for myself and my three roommates. A careful examination showed no shipping charges. I thought this was very odd and called Shipping anh Receiving to ask what happened to my box.

Answer -- they have no idea.

Oh no.

I ended up talking to an assistant manager, the manager and the nice lady in S&R who was so polite despite the fact that I'm SURE she really wanted to shoot me. No dice.

So I took off for home, convinced that I'd seen the last of my books and swag.

Fast forward a bit - I'd finished mourning for the box and was getting on with all the rest of the things I needed to do. Then I get a phone call from C telling me that there was a box on the porch addressed to me from a certain hotel in Atlanta.

The box has reappeared!!!!!


  1. Yay! You have no idea how the rest of the Eastside contingent freaked out last week to find out that you had your box lost. Thankfully everyone got their boxes, too. Whew!

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